<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_gray.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_gray.svg" width="40px" /> To qualify for the OG Pass NFT drop, you will need to complete this SocialFi campaign on Micro3.


GM, OGs and welcome to the ZKcandy OG Voyage.

ZKcandy is proud to welcome you to the beginning of this new chapter in web3 gaming - and you are among the first to experience it with us on the ZKCandy Sepolia Testnet.

To get started with ZKcandy we’ll first need you to get you connected. You can find the connection details from the links below:

Connecting to the ZKcandy Testnet

Using the ZKcandy Testnet with Metamask

The OG Pass NFT drop


The ZKcandy OG Pass NFT drop will take place on the ZKcandy Mainnet upon launch and will add a multiplier reward for its holders. This limited airdrop of 500 Soulbound NFTs will be airdropped through a raffle to those who complete Campaign 2 below:

Campaign 1: Social Tasks

<aside> <img src="/icons/error_lightgray.svg" alt="/icons/error_lightgray.svg" width="40px" /> This campaign is now closed. You can still participate in Campaign 2 by bridging Sepolia Ether to the ZKcandy Sepolia Testnet.


The first campaign will be open for 48 hours on Micro3 at the link below:


Connect your wallet and complete the social task. Once this campaign ends you will be airdropped some Test Ether (SepETH) on the ZKcandy Sepolia Testnet. Alternatively, you can also bridge your own test ether using our official ZKcandy-Sepolia Bridge.

Only the first 1,000 wallets that participate in this first campaign will receive the SepETH airdrop.

Campaign 2: Play BTFD.WTF

The second campaign will validate wallets that connect to and check-in to BTFD.WTF on ZKcandy Sepolia. You can find out how to check-in to the game in this tutorial.

You must complete the check-in and proceed to validate the check-in on Micro3 at the second campaign which goes live at 1400 UTC on 26 June 2024 at the link below:


After Campaign 2 concludes, 500 wallets will be selected by raffle to receive the OG Pass NFT when the ZKcandy Mainnet goes live later this year.